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A Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist analyzes, reviews and implements changes to websites so they are optimized for search engines. This means maximizing the traffic to a site by improving page rank within search engines.
Simply put, in the words of SEO.com, “it is the job of the SEO specialist to make your website show up at the top of the search engine results. Ten years ago that job looked a lot different than it does now, and it requires a whole new skill-set from what was needed back then.
A modern specialist must be a problem solver and decision maker, with the ability to prioritize and develop relevant and engaging content. You know the old adage, “Content is king?” well, modern SEO specialists know that search engines are placing increasing value on quality content – which will invariably include keyword or phrases that increases traffic to a site.
They may also test and implement testing various search engine marketing techniques, web site layouts and advertising for search engine optimization. They also know the importance of internal links and the ability to problem-solve comes in handy when trying to find the best locations and the best approach to internal links.
An SEO Specialist will analyze websites for improvements, have an in-depth knowledge of keyword research, understand SEO copywriting and serve a liaison between various departments.
Modern SEO specialists know that search engines are placing increasing value on quality content – which will invariably increase traffic to a site.
A degree and a minimum of one to three years of web experience is required for the SEO Specialist position, including knowledge of HTML, CSS, programming language and blogging. A good summation of what the SEO Specialist really does can be found here:
According to the site Payscale.com, the average salary in this field is around $45, 216 – give or take, depending on experience.
Ready to hire an SEO Specialist? Post a job with Canada’s top marketing and creative job board now.
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