Ever since I can remember, I loved writing. Even some of my elementary school report cards noted how “Jennifer prefers to express herself through written versus verbal communication.” (I used to take that as a compliment, when I’m quite sure they were expressing concern about me.)
Since then, I’ve written copy for print and TV ads, billboards, websites, brochures, and (obviously) blogs. But I’m not sure I’ve ever identified myself as a copywriter. That’s why, when FreshGigs.ca asked me to write an “expose” on the job of a copywriter, I felt compelled to reach out to my pals who actually donned the title.
I asked them all the same questions, and they shared their candid (and sometimes smarmy) answers with me. Here’s the cast of copywriters:
- Kenny Kamerman (KK)
Freelance Copywriter, here, there, everywhere in Toronto City - Mary-Jo Dionne (MJ)
Self-employed Writer, Editor, Strategist, Tofu-eating animal-rescuer, a cozy cabin in the woods at the base of North Vancouver’s Mount Seymour - Jan Evanski (JE)
Creative Director, Corus Radio Vancouver - Geoffrey Vreeken (GV)
Copywriter, DDB, Vancouver - Manu Chopra (MC)
Former Senior Writer for Dare Digital, Vancouver
JW: Alright, let’s get this started. First question, what do you tell people you do?
(KK) >> I’m an ideas guy. I write ads.
(MJ) >> My career is three-pronged. I write ad campaigns, write and edit magazine editorial, and do whatever I can to promote animal issues on the side. (Go check out http://fleasplease.com/)
(JE) >> I’m a creative writer who manages a team of creative writers.
(GV) >> I’m a writer. In advertising. Like, I write ads. Oh you hate TV ads? Well, I write websites and radio ads and billboards and stuff, too. What? No, I really like it. Ha…yeah…(ugh) it’s not really like Madmen.
(MC) >> I write ads.
Don’t be afraid to write the way you speak. Copywriting is not prose. It is a form of conversation designed to convince the listener to take some kind of action.
JW: Do your parents understand what you do?
(GV) >> Vaguely.
(KK) >> After 13 years they still think I write jingles.
(MJ) >> My mom has an entire room where she’s built a sizeable shrine of all my work over the last 15 years. I’m not sure it’s healthy actually. I may need to talk to her about scaling that back a bit.
JW: What would you say is the single most important trait to have as a copywriter and why?
(MJ) >> The ability to adopt the voice of a brand. In any given day, you will need to speak like a veggie burger, a city’s tourism board, a grocery store, or a dog needing to be adopted. Don’t pigeonhole yourself as “the beer guy” or the “long-copy kid”.
(JE) >> Strong communication skills. You need to fully understand your client’s needs and expectations before creating a compelling message to the masses. You also need to work well with your internal clients – fellow writers, sales people, producers, voice talent etc.
(MC) >> Curiosity. No information is useless, because to write about shit, you need to know even more shit.
JW: Did you go to school to become a copywriter? If yes, was it imperative? Continue reading