13: Streamline Tasks With One List.
Whether you are analog or high tech, having your to-do list stored and easily referenced can keep you focused on the task at hand, save precious seconds on searching, and free your mind from having to remember items. Which equals focus for your current project. I keep my daily lists down to what I have deemed a manageable 7 items.
Favourite Tools: Clear, Evernote, spiral bound notebook and a pen.
Find a way to record your thoughts and reminders that works for you, create a habit from this, and stick to it.
12: Make Monthly Goals.
Whether you have a self directed or are held accountable externally, having monthly (quarterly, weekly, daily) goals and priorities help free you from being caught up “fire drills” and when you look back at all that you’ve accomplished, it can set you up for another brilliant month.
Goal Setting: I ask myself, what are the 3 things I want to accomplish this month? And then I reference this list as I build my weekly action plans.
11. Write It Down.
We can only keep so many thoughts in our mind at one time. Find a way to record your thoughts and reminders that works for you, create a habit from this, and stick to it. Freeing up your mind just might just yield a new idea!
My mind’s “hard drives:” Evernote, Google Docs, and a trusty notebook by the bed