Marketing & Creative Jobs in Canada Blog - Part 48

Cover Letter Tips to Make You Shine


Your CV is so much more than just a record of your work-related experience. It is the stepping stone to opportunity. According to contributor Kerry Hannon, in Want an Unbeatable Resume? Read These Tips From a Top Recruiter, the average resume is looked at for less than 10 seconds. Because of this, it has to really pack a punch on several levels. Natasha Le Moine, Researcher at Oasis HR sees hundreds or CVs every day and shared her tips to successfully promoting yourself in her article, 10 Top Tips for Successfully Selling yourself with your CV.

Resist the urge to exaggerate your experience or skills on your CV. Sure it might look good on paper, but what do you do if you get an actual interview?

Back to Basics

You’ve heard all of this before, but it can’t be stressed enough. You have seconds to make an impression and a cluttered CV full of errors is the nail in your job-hunt coffin. Here are a few tips:

  1. Using lists and bullet points to make it easy to identify key details. Check out How to Ensure A Recruiter Reads Your CV, for tips on how to present your information.
  2. Keep style (font, color, etc.) consistent and professional.

“Avoid the fancy-schmancy layout, font, and other special effects. Stick to traditional font of Times New Roman, 9 to 12 point size, and black type against a white paper. You might try a different type size for your name and the companies you have worked for, perhaps your title. But try to be consistent. Go easy on boldface type, italics and underlining,” says Hannon.

  1. Eliminate spelling and grammar errors. Don’t ruin your chances before you even get a foot in the door. Employers consider these errors as a sign of unprofessionalism.
  2. Don’t use a personal photo. Let your skills do the talking.
  3. Regularly update your CV. Make sure your most-recent achievements are telling your story.
  4. Save it as a PDF or word document only, according to Resume Tips from Recruiters.

Let your personality shine

Including relevant interests, certifications and hobbies gives recruiters an idea if you are right for the culture of a business or organization. Continue reading

New Canadian Marketing & Creative Jobs Oct 25/2013


Client Director with TANDEM Marketing
Calgary, AB

Project Manager with 3H Communications Inc.
Oakville, ON

Creative Directions Specialist with Overwaitea Food Group
Langley, BC

Director of Business Development with Briteweb Communications
Vancouver, BC

Manager, Marketing & Communications with Edmonton International Airport
Edmonton, AB

Frontend Developer with Real Estate Webmasters
Nanaimo, BC

Stand Out Web Designers Wanted with Real Estate Webmasters
Nanaimo, BC

Sr. Marketing Manager with Cedars Online Limited
Vancouver, BC

PPC / SEM Account Manager with 1-800-GOT-JUNK?
Vancouver, BC

Do You Really Know Your Audience?


Content marketing is all the buzz. But there is more to it than just writing some material and putting it out there. The key is to provide you audience with relevant information that they can use. How do you know what’s relevant? Know your Audience.

“Creating a content strategy without a clear understanding of your audience is a bit like setting a boat adrift without navigational tools. You’re out there and you’re taking action, but you’re not working toward a specific goal,” says Jayson DeMers, in his article, 6 Steps to Decoding your Target Audience.

Bottom line: they can’t read it if they don’t see it. It is crucial to push your content through the right channels.

In the end, it’s about getting the most out of your time and money investment. Here are some suggestions from DeMers on understanding your audience.

Who are they?
No really, who are they? You may have an idea of what your average audience member is, but there may be more to the story. A demographic profile is a great place to start. It’s just a foundation – but it’s a solid one. A typical demographic profile will look at age, gender, job, location, marital status, educational level, income and nationality.

Then, build on your demographics foundation by understanding your audience’s pressing issues and desires. You have to understand it at two levels: what was the problem that motivated them to come to you; and broadly understanding overall why people would seek out your services. This is referred to as psychographics – which will help you understand why your audience acts why it acts, according to How Important is it to Understand Audience Profile before Designing a Website.

Where do they get their Info and who do they listen to?
Bottom line: they can’t read it if they don’t see it. It is crucial to push your content through the right channels. Does your audience read blogs? Do they read email newsletters? Are they magazine or newspaper readers? Check out 7 Steps to Creating Your Content Marketing Channel Plan, to learn how to assess and develop a channel strategy. Continue reading

Motion Graphics Designer: Job Description


A Motion Graphics Designer creates complex graphics, animation and live video content for a diverse array of media, including smartphones, handheld electronic devices, the web and television, among others. Other projects can include title and post-production work, as well as multimedia campaigns, promotion products, technical illustrations and computer artwork for use in a variety of materials.

Motion Graphic Designers are an integral part of most every stage in the creative process, from conceptualization to storyboard and editing.

Important is the understanding of various computer programs to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional animated objects. Motion Graphic Designers are an integral part of most every stage in the creative process, from conceptualization to storyboard and editing. As such, they may have interactions with higher-level staff and clients, under supervision.

A degree in graphic design is often required to be considered for employment as Motion Graphics Designer, though it is not always necessary. Those without formal education need to have a portfolio of proven experience and/or professional certificates from multimedia programs.


Ready to hire a Motion Graphics Designer? Post a job with Canada’s top marketing and creative job board now.

Looking for a job in design? Check out our listings.

Public Relations Jobs and the PR Revolution


Public relations isn’t your grandpa’s game anymore. Thanks to social media, increasingly advanced technology and 24/7 connection to anyone and everyone, individual’s hold the power to make or break brands that once only belonged to PR firms.  And it’s affecting overall communication play book.

Public perception of an organization is determined 90 per cent by what it does and 10 per cent by what it says.

As Daniel Tisch, president and CEO of Toronto-based Argyle Communications, laid out in 8 Lessons from the Global PR Revolution, there are few strategies that we should all be putting into practice.

Audiences hold the power, not organizations

Each and every one of use can shape the reputation of pretty much any business or brand with a simple “like,” tweet, post or comment.  And the level of connectivity we have to others just fuels that fire.

“Whether we act as citizens, consumers, investors, activists or employees, we now have the power to shape corporate reputations; we can build up governments or bring them down; we can start social movements in a moment and spread truth or lies, hope or fear, peace or violence, clarity or ambiguity,” says Tisch.

In other words, respect the individual and learn how to interact with your audience – the days of telling them how to feel are over.

It’s all about influence

The old model was about control. Today, it’s more about accepting that you can’t control what others say about you. This takes you message out of your hands, and puts it into the hands or your audience. Is that a bit scary? Yes. Is it a bad thing? No. As long as you stay consistent in your brand and values, hopefully what others are saying about you is positive – and influencing your reputation similarly.

Actions speak louder than words

Speaking of reputation, Tisch quotes Arthur Page, an American PR-industry pioneer, as saying, “Public perception of an organization is determined 90 per cent by what it does and 10 per cent by what it says.”

Enough said. Continue reading

5 Things That Will Make You Happier Every Day


When it comes to marketing, we are all about making our clients happy. But, what about us? It’s not just a handy saying that people are more productive when they are happy.  Researchers Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer, authors of the Progress Principles, have proven it be true.

“Whether we looked at entrepreneurial startups or large, established enterprises, the same holds true: People are more productive and creative when they have more positive emotions. In fact, we found that, if happier on a given day, people were not only more likely to come up with a new idea or solve a complex problem that same day but also to do so the next day,” they relate in Employee Happiness Matters More Than You Think.

Being of service to others not only helps them – it makes you feel happy that you could make a difference.

So, how do achieve happiness nirvana? According to David K. Williams in Eleven Things Science Shows Will Make You Happier Every Day, there are some simple, scientifically proven steps that will help you reach the big H … Happiness.

1. Exercise more. While hitting your target beats per minute on the treadmill may not make you jump for joy at that second, exercise is proven to affect the happy factor.

“Statistical results were very important. On exercise days, people’s mood significantly improved after exercising. Mood stayed about the same on days they didn’t, with the exception of people’s sense of calm which deteriorated, says Jo Coulson, Research Associate in the University of Bristol’s Department of Exercise, Nutrition and Health Sciences  was quoted as saying in People who Exercise on Work Days are Happier, Suffer Less Stress and are More Productive. Continue reading

CRM Manager: Job Description

Image of Group of Business People Discussing Office Concept from Shutterstock.

CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) is someone who knows their customer’s needs, wishes and dreams. S/he should be well versed in the value delivered to customers and the problems customers are trying to solve.

They are blessed with the special talent of not only being able to solve customer requests but will proactively offer ideas and insights to improve the customer’s issues and challenges. The customer relationship manager will follow up on every issue and ensure complete satisfaction and maximum utilization of the product or services sold to customers.

How do they do this? Continue reading

New Canadian Marketing + Creative Jobs This Week Oct 11th, 2013


Email Marketing Strategist with University of Ottawa
Ottawa, ON

Web Designer / Developer with Lux Communications
Calgary, AB

Web & Social Media Designer with Urban Gate Inc. 
Coquitlam, BC

Digital Marketing Specialist with SPUD (Sustainable Produce Urban Delivery)
Vancouver, BC

Manager, Player Development with BCLC (BC Lottery Corporation)
Vancouver, BC

Marketing & Graphic Design Coordinator with Sotheby’s International Realty
Vancouver, BC

Digital Specialist with Jim Pattison Auto Group
Vancouver, BC

Interactive Web Designer with Graphically Speaking
Vancouver, BC

Search Engine Marketing Specialist with Brighton College
Burnaby, BC


It’s Not All About the Money and When to Decline Work


You’ve heard it before. You are your brand. Like it or not, you will be defined by the work you do. But,  that extends beyond whether you did a good job for a client or not. It means really taking a deep look at the projects you work on and the clients you are involved with. Even if you are just starting out — and feel it’s a special brand of insanity to pass up any potential opportunities — it’s vital to learn when to decline work.

Do you REALLY have the time to take on a project (it is career suicide to commit and not deliver)? Do you really need it in your portfolio or want to be associated with a specific project?

It’s not all about the money. We all need to make a living. But can your professional reputation survive working for a firm that pays well but is a real-life version of a cartoon villain tying maidens to train tracks and stealing candy from babies?  It’s important to evaluate potential clients and determine if their morals and practices align with yours – not just if their budget does.

Conversely, even if you are approached by a dream client, there are other factors to consider. Do you REALLY have the time to take on a project (it is career suicide to commit and not deliver)? Do you really need it in your portfolio or want to be associated with a specific project?

In his blog, When should a designer decline work?, Mark Busse, founding partner and managing director of strategy and brand design firm Industrial Brand, suggests the following tips to help you with your decision: Continue reading

Content Editor: Job Description


Content Editors are responsible for all aspects of content, which includes development, design, production, presentation, evaluation and analysis, to name a few. They will use data and feedback from users to help evaluate and enhance the value of a set of written materials and websites.

Content Editors work with marketing and graphic design departments closely to create an overall positive user experience.

Content Editors work with marketing and graphic design departments closely to create an overall positive user experience. They may also produce material for publication, so they must possess excellent writing and editing skills, as well as understand the special considerations for writing for the Web and the wide variety of devices that can access the Internet.

This position requires good communication and interpersonal skills to work effectively with all the team members it takes to create websites. They must also be highly organized and detail oriented and may supervise contributors who provide content, as well.

Content editors typically require a degree in mass communications,  journalism or another related field.


Ready to hire a Content Editor? Post a job with Canada’s top marketing and creative job board now.

Looking for a Content Editing job? Check out our listings.