Marketing & Creative Jobs in Canada Blog - Part 47

Interview Tips from Industry Influencers


Do you ever wonder what real industry leaders are really looking for when they hire? Wonder no longer. LinkedIn’s fantastic Influencers on How They Hire series offers a treasure trove of information on what employers are looking for in new hires. Below are a few highlights, but do yourself a favor and check out the series for yourself. It is more than worth it.

In fact, many mentioned that they often set up questions, not for the answer, but for your reaction and reasoning abilities.

  1. It’s not about getting the answer right. In LinkedIn Senior Editor Francesca Levy’s blog, What the Best in Business Look for When They Hire, a majority of the time your answers to questions are less important that other factors. In a survey of influencers, they responded that the quality of conversation and the way candidates thought about the question before answering were critical. In fact, many mentioned that they often set up questions, not for the answer, but for your reaction and reasoning abilities.
  2. It’s not about the years, it’s about the mileage. Diego Rodriguez, Partner at IDEO, laid out his thoughts on experience in his blog, How I hire like Indiana Jones. He feels that you don’t need years of experience to have made an impact. The number of times you’ve taken a product to market or life experiences, not necessarily job related, where you have created something from nothing holds a lot of sway in his book
  3. It’s also not always about where you went to school. In How I Hire: I Don’t Care Where You Went to School, Tom Keene, Editor at Large, Bloomberg Television & Radio, quotes colleague and top-notch talent-finder Ted Fine on his hiring process in the industry. Continue reading

50 Top Job Interview Questions to Prepare For


Interviews are never easy. Every company will ask you different questions, but there are several that come up fairly often in the process. Below are 50 common questions asked during job interviews, and click on the source for information and tips on coming up with the best answer.

About You

30 Free Cover Letter Examples


Think of a good cover letter as your foot in the door. It’s your first impression – and often your only impression when it comes to  hiring. A hiring manager will only read your resume if he or she likes what your cover letter to say. Below are a list of 30 cover letter examples and tips for a variety of communication-related positions, including consultant, career change and entry-level positions.

  1. Business Position, calls out state of industry and how her skills can help
  2. Communication Consultant
  3. Communication Director
  4. Communication Officer
  5. Communication Officer
  6. Communication Specialist, detailed, full-page letter
  7. Editorial Position
  8. Graphic Designer
  9. Journalist Position
  10. Marketing Associate
  11. Marketing Communications, calling out key skills with bullet points
  12. Marketing Consultant, highlights essential skills of the applicant
  13. Marketing Executive, highlights achievements in previous positions
  14. Marketing Manager, emphasize experience in three key aspects of the position
  15. Marketing Manager, includes corresponding classified hiring ad
  16. Marketing Position, ideal for those making a career change
  17. Marketing Position, which doesn’t yet exist
  18. Production Editor/Proofreader
  19. Product Manager
  20. Project Manager
  21. Public Relations
  22. Senior Level Communication Executive , applicant has experience
  23. TV Producer, applicant had little experience
  24. Web Content Specialist

Quick Tip Links

  1. Outlines the most common mistakes in cover letters
  2. Includes a cover letter diagram
  3. Experts dissect three cover letters
  4. Details how to write a cover letter for a job you have no experience in
  5. Tips on how to structure a cover letter
  6. Includes link to a template for an entry level cover letter

Should You Accept A Counter Offer?


Counter offers are flattering. Who doesn’t want to be told they’re so important that the company created a package of goodies to make that letter of resignation go away? If this happens to you, you might want to rub the pixie dust out of your eyes just long enough to consider all sides before making a decision.

69% of employees who accept a counter offer leave their employer within six months.

What Is A Counter Offer?

Here’s the dictionary geek-speak: A type of offer made in response to another offer, which was seen as unacceptable. The type of offer we’re talking about here is a common employer response when faced with an employee resignation. Let’s see how this might play out.

Imagine This:

You’ve accepted a job offer with another company and have just handed a letter of resignation to your boss. To your surprise, he says you’re a key member of the team and asks what it would take to convince you to stay. What an ego boost. You know you’re about to receive a counter offer but what you don’t know is the conversation just stopped being all about you and is now all about the company.

Let’s put your thoughts aside for the moment and slip into the manager’s head. From the moment your boss realized you were resigning, he’s been thinking about the impact of your departure: the cost of recruiting and training a replacement, redistributing workload during the transition, the vacation schedule that took weeks to get just right, and how your leaving will affect his turnover stats and annual bonus. Continue reading

Canadian Marketing & Creative Jobs Now On


Here at we’re constantly working hard to expand our reach and ability to serve up the freshest Canadian marketing and creative jobs around.

Today we’re happy to announce that we’ve partnered with to add additional distribution and reach of BC jobs posted on

Vancouver Weekly is Vancouver’s alternative newsweekly with a focus on music, theatre, books, films and more. partners include industry associations, media portals and top blogs across Canada. If you have a site that you’d like to add jobs to, let us know and we’ll be in touch.

Introducing the Soulful Music Mix Show #1

Welcome to the “Soulful Music Mix” series episode number one!

The Soulful Music Mix is a weekly 30 minute mix of jazz, soul, funk, house, and more.

Our goal with these mixes is to provide you with “Music to Create to” – sounds to work to, travel to, design to, freelance to, and enjoy life to.

Please share the sounds if you feel it and let us know what you think.

Show #1 – Soulful Music Mix by Freshgigs.Ca Soulful Music Mix on Mixcloud

Marketing and Creative Job Descriptions: The Definitive Guide

Creative Job descriptions

The Definitive Guide

What does a creative account director do? And how does that compare to an art director? What about a marketing manager? And how about a user experience designer vs. a web designer? We receive questions like this all the time. That’s why we’ve created the “Marketing & Creative Job Descriptions: Definitive Guide.” Below you’ll find detailed job descriptions for a wide range of positions in the marketing, advertising, communications and design industries.

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New Canadian Marketing & Creative Jobs Nov 1/2013


Web Copywriter with ThoughtFarmer
Vancouver, BC

Online Account Executive with Easy Email Solutions
Toronto, ON

Business Development & Marketing Associate with Michael Green Architecture
Vancouver, BC

Community Outreach Coordinator with SPUD (Sustainable Produce Urban Delivery)
Vancouver, BC

Account Executive with Prizm Media Inc.
Vancouver, BC

Graphic Designer with FinanceIt
Toronto, ON

Online Marketing Manager with FinanceIt
Toronto, ON

What is a Copywriter: Job Description


A Copywriter is tasked with producing the written content that is combined with visual elements in promotional material. He or she will write slogans, radio and TV scripts and Internet content, as well provide written material for everything from sales letters and catalog copy to white papers and email campaigns.

A Copywriter should have strong verbal and written skills, as well as be detail oriented and able work under and meet strict deadlines.

Copywriters work closely with marketing and advertising departments, graphic designers and clients to produce original content that will engage the targeted audience. They have to have a deep understanding of the subject of their content, the audience and even competitors’ activities.

A Copywriter should have strong verbal and written skills, as well as be detail oriented and able work under and meet strict deadlines.

Most employers prefer Copywriters to have a degree in journalism, English or related courses.


Ready to hire a Copywriter? Post a job with Canada’s top marketing and creative job board now.

Looking for a Copywriting job? Check out our listings.