Marketing & Creative Jobs in Canada Blog - Part 43

Canada Marketing Summit Coming to Vancouver March 28th, 2014


The 3rd year of the Canada Marketing Summit is coming back to Vancouver from March 28th until Sunday the 30th.

The conference has a BIG line up of speakers that includes 18 highly respected marketing experts and entrepreneurs from around the globe. They’ll be digging deep into some of their own powerful marketing tactics and techniques for 3 full days.

Just reading through the list of confirmed speakers we got excited and will definitely be in attendance at this event: Canada Marketing Summit Speaker List

We also have some more good news! If you’d like to go to this event you can get a $32 discount by entering the promo code FreshGigs when you buy your conference ticket

Branding: It’s not just for Businesses Anymore


The job hunt can be frustrating. You post your resumes, you go on interviews and if you are lucky you land a position. But maybe you are finding that your resumes aren’t getting a nibble or maybe your interviews aren’t landing you callbacks or, more importantly, the job.

You are best at being you, and that is what makes you unique. Your personality is how you will connect with your interviewer, so let it shine.

What’s going on? Maybe you didn’t treat yourself like a business. In other words, you didn’t build your brand.

“The best way to get a job is to build a strong, appealing brand that attracts new opportunities,” Dan Schawbel, founder of Millennial Branding and author of Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success, was quoted as saying in How to Showcase Your Personal Brand in a Job Interview, written by author Jacquelyn Smith. “Personal branding is the process of unearthing your unique talents and communicating them, through various mediums, to the right audience.”

So, just like you would help your marketing clients build their brand, it’s time to turn your talents on yourself and bring out your best for your career. The key is to have a strong position, clearly communicate who you are and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Do your research:

Know the company you are interviewing with in and out, as well as the position you are up for. Prep for your interviews with mock interviews. Also, come up with questions of your own that show your interest in the job. Here are a few to consider: The Best Questions to ask during a Job Interview.

First impressions:

It goes without saying that, yes, you will be judged on your appearance. But, good posture a firm handshake and a genuine smile are all part of your brand. Don’t just plaster on your best family-portrait smile — mean it.

Prepare your tool kit:

According to Smith, a good tool kit includes:

  • Business card
  • Cover letter
  • Resume
  • References document
  • Portfolio of work (if applicable)

All pieces should link back to your personal website or LinkedIn profile. Continue reading

Revamping your Job Search to Compete in 2014


So, it’s 2014. How’s your job search going? If you are unemployed, or are looking for a career change, you are in good company … millions of others are in the same boat. Which is all the more reason to take a hard look at your job search skills and revamp your efforts.

Your peers are often just as important to your career advancement as senior management. They are the folks that can open doors in new positions or new organizations.

Get a leg up on the competition, and most importantly, find the best opportunities to further your marketing career, with these tips, suggested by author Mary Gay Townsend in 7 Tips to Revamp your Job Search for 2014.

1. Be unique.

Finding a job isn’t a cookie-cutter proposition. Your friend might get a job through a friend of a friend. Another might spend years on online job sites. Still another might network heavily through LinkedIn and finally meet the right person who has a job. The point is, it is a personal experience, and you need to find the strategies that work for you, and try as many as you need to get yourself out there. Townsend cites an interesting tactic here. It might be a stretch, but the idea is that you don’t always have to go the traditional job search route to find your dream career. 

2. Look at job titles or departments differently.

So maybe you have studied or spent years in a specific position in marketing. But have you considered being open-minded about using your skills in other departments or looking at different job titles? Your skills could actually translate well into other areas of a workforce.

“Be open-minded about your preconceived notions of job titles. Roles in compliance, human resource or administration, for example, are often perceived as being boring, career-limiting or otherwise undesirable. Such preconceptions, however, about the scope, strategic importance and long-term potential of these positions are not always true in today’s market. In many cases I’ve seen, these jobs offer exceptional opportunity for influential and attractive long-term careers,” says Townsend.

3. First online impressions are everything.

It is said so often, but we’ll say it again, with emphasis. JOB PROOF YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILES! A survey found that nearly 40 percent of companies will check out your Facebook profile when they researching you for a position.

This is what they are looking for across all of your social media sites:

  • To see if the candidate presents himself/herself professionally – 65 percent
  • To see if the candidate is a good fit for the company culture – 51 percent
  • To learn more about the candidate’s qualifications – 45 percent
  • To see if the candidate is well-rounded – 35 percent
  • To look for reasons not to hire the candidate – 12 percent Continue reading

New Marketing & Creative Jobs in Canada, Feb 21st, 2014


Web Developer with Curious Communications
Calgary, AB

Web Designer with Tagga Media Inc.
Vancouver, BC

Project Manager with Ball Creative & Communications Inc
Calgary, AB

Art Director/Designer with Ball Creative & Communications Inc
Calgary, AB

UX Designer with
Open to Canadians but based in Amsterdam, NL

Marketing Support Coordinator with Confidential Financial Company
Vancouver, BC

Account Manager/Ad Production with Ad Vendors International
London, ON

Restaurant Promo & Marketing with KOBE Japanese Steak House
Vancouver, BC

Content Marketing Manager with Terramera, Inc.
Vancouver, BC

Graphic Design Lead/Art Director with Triple Flip
Calgary, AB

Business Development Specialist with Calgary Parking Authority
Edmonton, AB


Success before Breakfast: What Successful People do in the Morning


Turns out “hitting the ground running” isn’t just a catchy phrase. It’s also a key trait of successful people. They use the first hours of the day to take care of their priorities, take care of themselves and overall set the tone of the day. So, how can you use your morning more productively? Let’s check out a few things suggested in 12 Things Successful People do before Breakfast based on information from What Most Successful People Do before Breakfast by author Laura Vanderkam.

1. Wake up early
Vanderkam’s research shows that 90 percent of 20 polled executives wake up before 6 a.m. They know that time is valuable. So, you should use any non-office time you have to your advantage, because when the rest of the world is awake, you are at its beck and call.

Type-A personalities who demand a lot of themselves might benefit from taking a bit of time to calm and clear their mind through meditation at the start of their day.

2. Workout before it loses its appeal

The longer you wait to workout, the easier it is to put it off, and put it off, and put it off … you see where this is going. Working out first thing in the morning knocks it off your to-do list early, before the rest of the days tasks get in the way. But, exercising in the morning has so many more benefits. According to 6 Benefits to Being a Morning Exerciser, it also promotes more consistency in your routine for better results, improves your productivity, boosts your metabolism, promotes your sleep and encourages you to make better diet choices. It’s a win-win!

3. Work on top-priority work or personal projects

Early morning usually offers quiet time, devoid of ringing phones, emails and overall interruptions. It’s an ideal time to focus on projects that really need your undivided attention. Trying to come up a great pitch for a marketing project? Early morning hours are a great time for thinking without coworkers chiming in. Writing a novel? Do it before work, instead of after, when you are still wound up from your day or thinking about what to make for dinner. Continue reading

Discount Pricing to The Art of Marketing Coming to Vancouver March 19th


Well it’s that time of year again folks and the good people over at The Art of Marketing are bringing their conference back to Vancouver on March 19th!

As you know here at we’re big supporters of anything to do with marketing and creativity in Canada so when we heard Seth Godin was one of the featured speakers it had us doing back flips and cartwheels 🙂

So you’re probably asking what’s the FREE Ticket giveaway all about?

Well it’s quite simple actually, just do these 2 things to enter:

  1. “Like” the Facebook page here
  2. Then on that page tell us why you want to go to The Art of Marketing.

That’s it you’ll be entered into our contest and 2 lucky winners will be chosen on February 24th. Good luck!

Also if you want to register and save at least $50 per pass then you can do that here:
Special Registration Page For Community

2014 Trends in Marketing

Marketing Trends 2014

It’s an exciting time to get getting into marketing, advertising and communications. The experiences that marketers and advertisers can deliver to consumers, customers and clients are unlike anything before thanks to evolving technology and innovative delivery platforms, like social media.

“It is a period of rapid change and constant evolution unlike any the industry has ever experienced,” says Thomas Kenny, strategic planner at Leo Burnett and author of Six Marketing Trends to Watch.  As such, it has never been more important for those seeking marketing careers to stay on top of emerging trends in the field.

Consumers are different. They no longer just want a product that functions. They want an emotional connection.

Here are a few that Kenney suggests to keep your eye on in 2014.

Keeping it Old School

Several ad films, such as Dodge’s Ron Burgundy shorts, were great examples that traditional media is still very effective. “Despite all the new tools of the trade available to advertisers, one of the most traditional media is still amongst the most effective. People still like to sit back and be told a great story,” Kenny relates.

But Not that Old School

Mobile devices continue to be an up and coming trend, even though many marketers and advertisers still don’t give them much thought.  But they should. According to an eMarketer study, the average adult in the U.S. spends almost 2.5 hours on their mobile device. That is up by almost an hour from the prior year.

“This is the real deal. For advertisers this means no more sites that aren’t optimized for mobile, no more desktop only experiences (ahem, Facebook apps and custom YouTube channels), and more content that looks just as good on a much smaller screen (see points one, two and three),” Kenney adds. Continue reading

Multitasking: If you Must do it, Do it Right


Are we really more efficient and productive when we multitask? Not really. Studies have shown that multitaskers, in fact, aren’t necessarily more productive or efficient than those who focus on one task at a time. And, they don’t really manage to do more than one task at a time, anyway. So why do we do it?

“[People who multitask] are not being more productive—they just feel more emotionally satisfied from their work,” that is what a study by researcher Zhang When found, as mentioned in What Multitasking Does to Our Brains. Article author Leo Wildrich goes onto say, “She mentioned that if we study with our books open, watch TV at the same time and text friends every so often, we get a great feeling of fulfillment. We are getting all these things done at once, and we feel incredibly efficient.”

Nothing screws up multitasking more than just jumping from task to task haphazardly.

Admit it; there is something sort of intoxicating about having several devices open and working on them all. We all know we are going to do it. So, let’s check out some tips from How to be a Multitasking Genius, by author Robine Fisher.

Make a list of everything you need to accomplish and group similar tasks. Multitasking 101, right? How much time you waste in a day doing thinking about what you need to do next? Or trying to remember what you needed to get done? Or getting distracted by tasks that really weren’t that important?

Fisher suggests listing everything you need to get done, even down to menial tasks. Cross off the tasks as you finish them to keep track. If possible, group similar tasks together to maximize your organization.

Master The Pomodoro Technique. “One of the reasons people multitask is because they can’t handle doing a single task for a long period of time. With The Pomodoro Technique, you take a five minute break in between 25 minutes of working,” says Fisher. Continue reading

Fresh Canadian Marketing & Creative Jobs, February 7th 2014


VP, Product Marketing with Vision Critical
Vancouver or Toronto

Web Designer with
Newmarket, ON

Marketing & Brand Strategist with Studiothink
Surrey, BC

Marketing & Communications Writer with Qtrade Financial Group
Vancouver, BC

Manager, Marketing and Client Services with Jam Van Inc.
Toronto, ON

Account Manager – Experiential Marketing with Newad Media
Toronto, ON

Communications Specialist with Spinal Cord Injury BC
Vancouver, BC

Account Coordinator with RFX Brand + Communications
Calgary, AB

Garment Development Manager with Lululemon
Vancouver, BC


Master Your Next Job Interview With These Tips


Congratulate yourself if you’ve been invited to a job interview. It means your resume is doing what it’s supposed to do and represents a series of wins that put you in the top 10% of the pack. But don’t get too comfortable. You are now entering the real competition. Take a walk through these interview preparation tips and then get cracking. You’ve got a job to win.

Get The Interview Details Down Solid

Make sure you carefully record details such as the exact location of the interview and the name and title of the person you’ll meet. Figure out your driving or public transit route in advance and add in extra time for unexpected delays. If you’re driving to a downtown location, give yourself additional time to park and arrive at the interview location. If necessary, time it by doing a dry run–just make sure you do it at the same time of day as your interview.

Write down three of your greatest accomplishments. Describe the skills you used to create the results and what you learned from each event.

Research The Company’s Website

Spend some time on the company’s website. How much can you learn about their industry and market goals? Look for an awards, events, or press release page. The ‘about’ page will reveal their mission or overall goals and it just might include notes on the leadership team. Google the company name to find industry news about them.

Mining LinkedIn for Gold

LinkedIn is a favoured tool for recruiters but most job seekers don’t use it fully to their advantage. For instance, it’s easy to look up the person you’ll be meeting with to see their job title and learn something about what they do. You can also find out lots more about the company and even locate people within your network who work there now or did so in the past.

In case you’ve never seen all the search capabilities within LinkedIn, we’ve included a screen shot of the main page to get you started.  Continue reading