Marketing & Creative Jobs in Canada Blog - Part 26

3 Easy Steps to a Great LinkedIn Profile

3 Easy Steps to a Great LinkedIn Profile

In the post about how to prepare for a digital marketing interview I mentioned the importance of having a good online presence. Many people I work with will argue or say that they don’t have the technical know-how or skill set to set up a site or maintain a blog.

My response is always the same: do you have 15 minutes to update your LinkedIn profile? If so, then you’re well on your way to making a great first impression.

While I always emphasize that a complete LinkedIn profile is best, here are 3 key areas of your profile you can update quickly that will have maximum impact.

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Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is something that will be with you for your entire career. It never goes away.  

In the beginning of your career when you start the working business process, it will inevitable feel half-baked. You are always going to be looking over your shoulder waiting for somebody to call you out. “You are an idiot.”  “You are a fraud and an impostor.”  “This is never going to work!”

Getting used to these feelings and these sensations is a good thing. But, it takes time.

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Three ways standup comedy made me a better writer

Three ways standup comedy made me a better writer

I performed standup comedy for two years. I performed in front of all kinds of audiences – some big, some (most) small. I performed in storytelling shows, I produced standup shows, and I got to share the stage with some of my heroes.

I didn’t have it in me to be a professional standup. Still don’t.

However, I believe that spending two years performing has helped me become a better writer. I would never recommend that you drop everything and try standup comedy (stage time is hard enough to get as it is), but I do believe there are some hard lessons that are useful to every creative professional.

Yes, even you.

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Connecting and Communicating

Connecting and Communicating

It’s very easy and comfortable to hit a “Like” button on Facebook, request a connection on LinkedIn, or send an email to someone you want to connect with and hopefully meet. It is sometimes very uncomfortable to do so in real life.

One of the best sources of potential connections are at conferences or networking events run by industry associations. 

Here are 10 Tips if you find you are timid while attending a conference or event:

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Some Advice You Will Thank Me for Later!

Some Advice You Will Thank Me for Later

The following are observations that, in my forty-plus years in business, most at senior executive levels, are true. And more importantly elegant and simple to implement. 

I have tried to live by these and they have never let me down.

1) … the 5 Minute Rule. 

If you are running a department or division, implement this for your staff. If you are a worker bee, practice this yourself and practice it religiously!  “The 5 Minute Rule” is wonderfully simple. When someone says something, you are not allowed to say anything negative about it for 5 minutes. 

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5 Tips for Preparing for a Digital Marketing Interview

5 Tips for Preparing for a Digital Marketing Interview

Everyone knows the basics about preparing for an interview – pick an outfit that is clean and appropriate for the job level, don’t wear too much perfume or cologne, and thoroughly research the company beforehand. I was recently involved with the interviews for digital marketing positions and was surprised to see that several of the candidates made the same mistakes.

I shouldn’t have been too surprised, given digital marketing’s embryonic state. Still, the trip-ups among the candidates were common enough that I thought I could provide some tips to anyone looking to prepare for a digital marketing interview.

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Read This One Book to Beat Writer’s Block

How to Beat Writer's Block

“I love writing, but hate starting. The page is awfully white and it says, ‘You may have fooled some of the people some of the time but those days are over, Giftless. I’m not your agent and I’m not your mommy: I’m a white piece of paper. You wanna dance with me?’ and I really, really don’t. I’ll go peaceable-like.”Aaron Sorkin

Every writer knows the tyranny of a white piece of paper. We’ve all been through periods where it’s impossible to sit down and type.

Here’s the truth – every creative project I’ve ever embarked on has started the same way: I stare at the white screen, I hate everything, take a deep breath, and then I start typing. Then, once I’ve started, I do everything in my power to keep going, at least for a little while. It is the only way I know to get things done.

This method is something I’ve honed over the years, and it works for me because I understand my enemy. I know what I’m staring down when that white screen is blinking at me. It is called Resistance, and it hates me, and everything I stand for.

I know this because Steven Pressfield told me. I’ve read the War of Art, and you should, too.

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Three Podcasts to Help You Do Your Best Work

Three Podcasts to Help You Do Your Best Work FreshGigs

My daily commute means (at least) 45 minutes of sitting on public transit. For years, this time was spent with my face in a book, but I’ve found it harder and harder to focus on reading – particularly when I’m reading non-fiction and like to take notes.

Instead, I now listen to podcasts. For those of you who are unfamiliar with podcasts, they are essentially on-demand radio shows. You can download them to your mobile device (such as your iphone) and listen to them whenever you like. They range in length and subject matter, but you can rest assured that no matter your area of interest, there will be at least a couple of podcasts discussing that topic.

Personally, I like podcasts that inspire and educate. I want to feel energized when I get to work (or, at the very least, feel a little smarter than I was when I woke up). Something with a sense of humour doesn’t hurt, either. If you’re looking to dip your toes into the world of podcasts, here are three that I recommend to get you started. Each will stimulate and provoke you, and will hopefully help you do great work.

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