Simon Sinek tells us we’re addicted to our phones and it’s ruining our relationships. So how can we create a strong online presence, without spending every passing hour maintaining our social media feeds? Is it even possible to create and maintain a healthy online/offline balance? We asked Vancouverite, serial entrepreneur, and strategic advisor Meredith J. Powell for her advice.
In his book, Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek talks about how we’re all becoming dopamine addicts — getting that rush of endorphins every time we get a new email or a text message. When you’re building an online brand, that chemical imbalance can start creating problems in our personal life. But it is possible to build a brand without it taking over our live.
Be Authentic
Creating and maintaining a strong online presence takes energy. Being authentic is key to maintaining balance. It’s important that your brand is intuitive and natural to any company, founder or individual. A great example is fellow Vancouverite Sunny Lenarduzzi. You meet Sunny, and she truly radiates positivity, embodying her online presence and messaging. Continue reading