Guest Author | - Part 6

Author Archives: Guest Author

How to put your education to “work” after graduation

Making-Your-Education-WorkPhoto of Student sitting at desk from Shutterstock.

Picture it: You’ve just graduated from one of the top schools in your field, where you spent years studying your butt off. And then, the real world hits. Maybe you couldn’t afford to stay in the city like you’d wanted, or the job of your dreams didn’t pan out. Regardless of what you planned, nothing turned out the way you hoped.

What can you do when you’ve worked hard and your circumstances make your education seem useless? Use your imagination, and make your education work for you! Continue reading

Get more bang for your buzz with Google Analytics Premium

When it comes to cost-effective data solutions, Google Analytics is as good as they come. Companies across the globe use it – not because they can’t afford a paid/proprietary tool, but the free-99-plus-tax price-point is a real bonus. It’s also an excellent tool.

However, most companies aren’t ready for a robust data collections/action solution; a staggering number of large enterprises don’t feel the need to collect and aggregate data to help with sales. Google recently came out with Google Analytics Premium – and as a Google Certified Expert*, I want to let you know why this is a big deal. Continue reading

How to make a big impression when you live in a small town

Leaving-a-big-impressionPhoto of Creative ideas notebook and pencil from Shutterstock.

Maybe the commute got to you. Or it was the cost of living. For one reason or another, you’ve chosen to leave the big city for somewhere with a slower pace. How do you continue to build your portfolio when you live away from your industry’s home base?

Rock the Web

Like it or not, we live in a wired society. Clients and employers want to be able to go somewhere online and learn about you. They don’t need the gory details. But they should be able to type your name into Google and get a sense of who you are and what you do. Create an online presence. Start with a personal website. Continue reading

What do blues music and branding have in common? More than you’d think

Blues-and-BrandingPhoto of Band of blues musicians from Shutterstock.

I’ve been a blues music fan forever. I heard Ray Charles sing Hit the Road Jack when I was four, and after that I wanted to play the music and learn more about it. My grandmother gave me a harmonica in my teens and I’ve been playing ever since. There was always something about the music – the attitude, the mystery and the stories in the lyrics that really made an impression on me.

Blues artists are master storytellers. Through their music they tell amazing tales of struggle, sorrow, joy and well…more struggle (it’s the blues after all). Through it all many artists found their own unique voice and have created their own distinctive brand of blues. And with it, adoring fans that follow them and feel a connection to the particular brand of blues that they play.

As a graphic designer and brand strategist, I’ve often thought of the lessons I’ve from listening to my heroes…and I’d like to share them with you, so here are my top three links between branding and the blues. Continue reading

How to improve your digital marketing game – and prepare for the zombie apocalypse, too

Marketing-ToolsImage of Business People with marketing graph from Shutterstock.

Half of a Digital Strategist’s job is staying on top of which tools and apps that are available, and make our jobs faster, better, smoother and easier. And while there are a ton of articles about the perfect tools of witchcraft and wizardry, the right combination of tools can really make you look like a superstar.

Whether you’re a freelancer, strategist or account manager, these tools can be groundbreaking if you’re working with clients on any sort of digital marketing. Continue reading

How a great brand story can sell a lot of blank paper

Telling-Great-Brand-StoriesPhoto of Sketch image with business ideas diagrams and graphs from Shutterstock.

People have a hard time putting their finger on what “brand” is, exactly.

I do my best in my own way to communicate the importance of branding to both large companies and SMBs. I do the usual speech of how it is more than your logo, how it is more than your web presence and how there are way more elements involved to making the whole thing work.

I often read up on case studies to use as ammunition on the battlefield of talking brand. When I find a few good ones I often scribble them down in my notebook to review later along with other random ramblings of ideas, sketches, doodles and whatever else pops into my melon. Continue reading

3 ways to keep your skills fresh and boost your employability

Staying-Fresh-In-Job-MarketPhoto of Two friends having coffee together from Shutterstock.

Do you feel unappreciated at work? Have you thought about starting your own business, but don’t know how to begin? Maybe you wonder if you could do better at a different company – or you’re happy where you are, but think you’d be better off in a different role.

Whether you want to move up or move out, you can’t deny it. In order for you to feel satisfied on the job, something’s gotta change. If only you knew where to start…Don’t feel overwhelmed. There are a few things you can do to stay relevant in today’s job market. Continue reading

Stand Out at Vancouver Startup Week’s recruitment fair

standing-outPhoto of Business People Corporate Meeting Board Room Concept from Shutterstock.

Every day I talk to job search candidates who are hoping to find their dream job – one where they can have a major influence on the creation of some potentially world-changing stuff.

But they’re never sure where to start.

Luckily, Vancouver Startup Week Recruitment Fair is happening on September 22, at TELUS World of Science. The fair will connect hundreds of job seekers with Vancouver’s top 20 tech companies and others who are sparking a movement here in the city.

The best part is that it’s easy to get involved. How easy? Well, let’s just say you don’t need a lottery ticket to get in. In preparation for attending (and you know you want to go), I have a few tips to help you stand out from the crowd, because a good first impression is the first step to success at a recruitment fair. Continue reading

How to work the room at IMPACT – or any conference, really

Conferences can be stressful; whether you’re exhibiting, speaking or attending, there’s constant background pressure to be on the top of your networking game. For many, this means blindly collecting as many business cards as humanly possible. (This is an awful strategy, trust us.)

VanIMPACT 2015 is the cornerstone social innovation event during Vancouver Startup Week, and it takes place next Wednesday, September 23 at the VEC Startup Alley. The conference features a great mix of attendees and speakers, ranging from entrepreneurs, NPO leaders, and investors, orbiting both the social innovation and tech space.

A conference can be a great place to strike up a new business relationship…but even for the most seasoned pros, it’s tough walk into a room full of strangers and make meaningful connections. So while we can’t write your pitch or help you pack your suitcase, we can certainly give you advice on how to work the room.

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Lessons from the Digital Strategy Conference in Vancouver

Lessons from the Digital Strategy Conference in Vancouver

By Ling Chan

I had the pleasure of attending this year’s Digital Strategy Conference at UBC Robson Square. The 3-day conference was jammed packed with insights and actionable takeaways from over 40 speakers and panelists, all excited to share with us specific ways they were using data to improve business results.

Aimed at pros and beginners alike, Digital Strategy Conference was an excellent opportunity to learn from the best. The impressive roster of speakers included:

  • Kevin Kinghorn, Director, Digital, Canucks Sports & Entertainment
  • Aaron Zifkin, Country Manager – Canada, Airbnb
  • Bryan Robertson, Senior Digital Guest Experience Analyst, Lululemon
  • Stacey Jaffe, Managing Director of Social Media and Community, Teach for America
  • Cullen Scannell, Senior Manager, Digital Content, Toronto 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games
  • Steve Sugars, Manager New Media & Technology, Canadian Pacific Railway

Here are some of my favourite takeaways from the event:

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