Stay Focused & Productive at Work |

5 Tips for Staying Focused & Productive at Work


Knocking out projects and crossing tasks off your checklist makes you feel unstoppable, but even the best of us occasionally fall victim to restlessness, fatigue, and… browsing Reddit for 10 minutes (which always turns into 30 minutes).

Peter Economy knows that burnout and boredom are common distractors to a productive workday. In his article, 7 Proven Steps to a Better Workday, he outlines simple ways to give your daily routine a quick sharpening to help you stay on track. Let’s take a look at 5 easy tips to keep you focused and productive at work.

1. Eat Healthy Snacks

You’re more likely to be groggy and unfocused if you have a big, heavy, lunchtime meal. Don’t suffer from the burrito burnout or the dreaded Phoma (Pho coma). Instead, opt for healthy snacks, such as fruits and vegetables, which you can munch on throughout the day, keeping you satiated and energized.

Getting away from the artificial light, soaking up the sun, and getting fresh air, all give you the energy boost and refreshment needed to jump back in the office and knockout the rest of your scheduled tasks.

2. Keep a To-Do List

A to-do list keeps you focused and on track. Make one as soon as you arrive at the office in the morning to get your day started on the right foot – or even better, make a to-do list the night before, so you can jump right into the days activities when you arrive at the office. Keep the most important tasks at the very top of the list and work your way down.

Take it a step further and schedule time for breaks throughout the day in your public calendar.

3. Take Short Walks

People spend the vast majority of the day sitting – sitting at desks, sitting in cars, sitting in busses, sitting in trains. It’s unhealthy, makes you restless, and causes burnout. Walking around for short periods (10-15 minutes) throughout the day is not only healthy, but helps improve your mood and boost your endorphins.

“Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can,” says Peter. “Even standing at your desk rather than sitting can be beneficial.”

4. Avoid the Couch – Get Outside!

Crashing on the couch sounds tempting after a long day at work – but before you relax, get some exercise. Go for a run outside, or head to your local gym. Staying active makes you feel great, gives you energy, and keeps your spirits up over the long run – all benefits that keep you focused and productive when at the office.

If you have the chance – and weather permitting – try taking a quick five-minute walk outside during the workday. Getting away from the artificial light, soaking up the sun, and getting fresh air, all give you the energy boost and refreshment needed to jump back in the office and knockout the rest of your scheduled tasks.

5. Get Up Early

Become a morning person. This is easier said than done for some people, but waking up early creates a better workday for you by the simple fact that you have more hours to work with. Instead of waking up at 8:00 am, wake up at 7:00 am and use that additional hour of time to get in a quick workout, or to reply to emails, or to simply enjoy a nice breakfast while reading the newspaper.

Waking up early starts your day off on a calm, positive note, as opposed to pushing the boundaries of how long you can sleep, before waking up at the last minute and rushing out the door.

Waking up early may seem daunting, but an easy way to make this work is to simply go to sleep earlier.